ACLab operates at the intersection of computer vision and machine learning, aiming to understand and predict human and animal behaviors in the world through visual perception tasks such as object modeling, tracking, and action recognition. We streamline complex data into low-dimensional “pose” embeddings for efficient state estimation, leveraging machine intelligence to enhance, not replace, human capabilities. Additionally, we address Small Data challenges by incorporating domain knowledge into generative models, optimizing for data-efficient machine learning.

Join our research initiative: sign up for our data collection study!

If you are parent of an infant under age one and want to participant in this data collection study, please email us at: aclabdata@northeastern.edu. The participants will receive a $100 Amazon e-gift card, a commercial baby monitor, and toys.

ACLab Funded Projects

  • Research in ACLab is generously supported by the National Science Foundation, Department of Defense, Sony, MathWorks, Amazon Cloud Services, Biogen, NVIDIA, and Oracle. For the full list of research project please visit: https://web.northeastern.edu/ostadabbas/research/

Notes for Interested Undergraduate Students:

  • ACLab is always looking for talented and enthusiastic undergraduate students. Please check the Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor Awards center at Northeastern and based on your eligibility and the future deadlines contact me to define a project for you in line with the ACLab’s mission. Deadlines: The last weekday of October for Spring semester; The last weekday of February for Summer sessions (i.e., May-August); The last weekday of July for Fall semester.
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